Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > Searchawy 9.70 Paypal IPN Integration Released
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 12-03-10 01:00 AM
Searchawy 9.70 Paypal IPN Integration Released

Greatings from Mewsoft,

This is one of the good features we are adding to Searchawy now in this update 9.70.

How to upgrade

Download the latest zip file from our site using your license, unzip and only do these updates:

Update these cgi files:
PaypalNotify.cgi            <= New Added
PaypalSuccess.cgi         <= New Added


PaypalFormIPN.html   <= New Added
MoneyMgr.html           <= Update or see the changes only, added a link see code at Paypal_Payment_IPN_Link in the template

Language Files
============          <= Update or see the changes only at the end of the file for new variables, added these new variables at the end of the file:

paypal_payment_ipn_link~==~<b>Make Paypal Instant Payment (IPN)</b>
paypal_ipn_page_title~==~<font color="red" size="4"><b>Paypal Instant Deposit</b></font>
paypal_ipn_deposit_help~==~<b><U>Make payment using Paypal</U></b><br>Paypal payment is fully automated. Once you fill the form below and submit it you will be directed to paypal site with all the required information already filled on the Paypal payment form. Please do not press back or refresh page during the payment process. After you make the payment you will be directed back to your account manager. Your payment amount will be reflected in your account directly under your payment activity and your balance will be increased also by same amount.<br>
paypal_ipn_email~==~Your Paypal Email:
submit_paypal_ipn~==~<input type="button" name="Submit" value="Continue >>" class="buttons" onclick="this.disabled=true;document.Paypal_Form.submit(); return false;">
reset_paypal_ipn~==~<input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset" class="buttons">
paypal_ipn_payment_source~==~Deposit with Paypal Instant Payment. Thank you

Thank you

Mewsoft Support