Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > StromPay Payment Integration Added To Auctionawy
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 06-15-11 09:09 PM
StromPay Payment Integration Added To Auctionawy

Greating from Mewsoft,

Today Mar 25, 2007 we added the Integration of IPN Automated Payment system to Auctionawy 11.10. This is fully automated payment system and easy to signup with StromPay and it support almost all international countries with low payments fees. I see it is better than Paypal for support more international countries so it is good for people from countries where paypal is not available for them.

How to Upgrade

*)-Download the latest zip file from our website "My Account", unzip.
*)-Upload these cgi files in ASCII mode to your cgi-bin/auction folder:
StormPayNotify.cgi      <=This is a new script added this release
StormPaySuccess.cgi   <=This is a new script added this release

*)-Update the language file or add only the new variables:

Code: HTML
stormpay_payment_ipn_link~==~&lt;b&gt;Make StormPay Instant Payment (IPN)&lt;/b&gt;

Code: HTML
stormpay_ipn_page_title~==~&lt;font color=&quot;red&quot; size=&quot;4&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;StormPay Instant Deposit&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;

Code: HTML
stormpay_ipn_deposit_help~==~&lt;b&gt;&lt;U&gt;Make payment using StormPay&lt;/U&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;StormPay payment is fully automated. Once you fill the form below and submit it you will be directed to StormPay site with all the required information already filled on the StormPay payment form. Please do not press back or refresh page during the payment process. After you make the payment you will be directed back to your account manager. Your payment amount will be reflected in your account directly under your payment activity and your balance will be increased also by same amount.&lt;br&gt;

Code: HTML

Code: HTML
stormpay_ipn_email~==~Your StormPay Email: 

Code: HTML
submit_stormpay_ipn~==~&lt;input type=&quot;button&quot; name=&quot;Submit&quot; value=&quot;Continue &gt;&gt;&quot; class=&quot;buttons&quot; onclick=&quot;this.disabled=true;document.StormPay_Form.submit(); return false;&quot;&gt;

Code: HTML
reset_stormpay_ipn~==~&lt;input type=&quot;reset&quot; name=&quot;Reset&quot; value=&quot;Reset&quot; class=&quot;buttons&quot;&gt;

Code: HTML
stormpay_ipn_payment_source~==~Deposit with StormPay Instant Payment. Thank you

Code: HTML
stormpay_payment_item_name~==~Auction Account Deposit

You will find these variabled at the end of the language file if you want to copy and past.

*)-Update these templates:

StormPayFormIPN.html   <=This is a new template added this release

StormPay Account Setup
Login to your StromPay account, In your Profile, IPN Configuration, set these two options:

Secret Code - set a secret code that StormPay will pass in ALL IPN POSTs to your server-side script. Secret Code  (6 to 12 chars)

IPN Secret Code Variable Name - you may also supply the NAME of the IPN variable that StormPay must use to send the Secret Code value (if specified above) to your server-side script.

Now, login to your Auctionawy admin.cgi center, click on Billing Manager ->Payment Processor Setup, then click on "StormPay", then Enter your StromPay account email address and the two variables above "Secret Code" and "IPN Secret Code Variable Name" exactlly as you set in your StromPay account IPN Configuration.

Please try and report any problems

That's all folks

Thank you

Mewsoft Support