Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > ResetLogin script released to reset products admin center login
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 08-24-13 06:00 PM
ResetLogin script released to reset products admin center login

We have released this script ResetLogin.cgi which you can download for free from our website

to reset your products admin center login if you forgot it for any reason.

here is the details for this issue:

 Forgot my admin center login, What should I do? Reseting your admin center login


All our products admin center have login User ID and Password that you normally set in your configuration.

If for some reason you forgot one of these, follow these steps to reset your admin login:

Method 1

Please follow these steps to reset your admin login

1)-download our ResetLogin.cgi script from our website to your computer:

1)-unzip and upload the file ResetLogin.cgi in ASCII mode to your server to the cgi-bin folder where the

cgi files located, for the auction normally this folder is cgi-bin/auction, for classifieds it is cgi-bin/classified

for the forums it is cgi-bin/forum, and for the search it is cgi-bin/dir or wherever you named the cgi folders.

3)-set this script permissions to exectuable 755.

4)-you may need to edit this script if required the first line to point to perl on your server, the default will normally

work on most *nix servers.

5)-call this script from your browser like this:

you need to call this only once, after this immediatly set your admin center login again and delete this

script from your website and from your server for security, it is your own responsbility to protect yourself.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support