Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > Snapshotter command line version 2.0 released
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 08-29-15 03:04 AM
Snapshotter command line version 2.0 released

Hello all,

Today Tuesday 6/7/2011 we released Snapshotter command line tool version 2.00.

Snapshotter 2.00 has many new features and also support for x64 and windows 7.

Demo and download:

Featues added


-cw    Clip width only. Clip image width, Default 0 (0 = full image width).
-ch    Clip height only. Clip image height, Default 0 (0 = full image height)
-c     Clip rectangle. Clip image rectangle, Default 0,0,0,0 (note, no spaces).
        Format: -c "x|y|w|h" no spaces. Use -1 for full width or full height.
        Example: -c "0|0|-1|800" to clip the image to height 800 with full width.

-g     Make gray or black and white images. (0 = black and white only, 1= gray).

-z     Zoon ratio of the html page between 1 and 5.
-sm    Smoothing mode of resizing. 0 = Default, 1 = HighSpeed, 2 = HighQuality, 3 = None, 4 = AntiAlias.
-im    Interpolation mode of resizing. 0 = Default, 1 = LQ, 2 = HQ, 3 = Bilinear, 4 = Bicubic.
         5 = NearestNeighbor, 6 = HQBilinear, 7 = HQBicubic.
-xdpi  Set the image resolution on x axis. Formats like TIFF support DPI.
-ydpi  Set the image resolution on y axis. Formats like TIFF support DPI.
-k     Draw watermark text on the snapped image at the specificed position with the given size, color and font.
         Format: -k "x|y|Text|FontSize|FontColorHex|FonyName".
         Example: -k "0|0|Mewsoft|72|FF00FF|Arial".
         With Shadow Format: -k "x|y|Text|FontSize|FontColorHex|FonyName|dx|dy|ShadowColorHex".
         Example: -k "0|0|Mewsoft|72|FF00FF|Arial|15|12|FFFFFF".
-login Set the user name and password. Useful on IIS with ASP or ASP.Net etc.
         Format: -login "userName|domainName|passwd".
-realm Set the http authentication user name and password Realm.
            Format: -realm ""userName|passWord"".
-proxy Allow to set custom proxy for IE.
         Format: -proxy "Host|userName|passWord|autoConfig".
         Host can be IP:Port pair and autoConfig eithre 0 or 1.

-fp    Filename prefix. Prepends this to the the filename.
-fs    Filename suffix. Append this to the filename.
-fd    Filename date time format suffix. Append string with date time formating switchs.
       Date time switchs are %y=Year, %m=Month, %d=Day, %h=Hour, %n=Minute, %s=Second,
       Ý Day of the year 1-366, %w=Weekday 1-7, %ww=Week 1-53, %mn=Month name, %wn=Weekday name.
       Example: -fd ""-%y-%m-%d_%h-%n-%s"".
-ft    Filename contains date time formating switchs. Default 0 (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled).
       Use all the switches of the -fd option to format the filename.
       Example: -o """" -ft 1.

Also you can use full swith name instead of the shortcut, most commands have full name like this:

u=url, o=out, w=width, h=height, bw=bwidth, bh=bheight, q=quality, t=timeout, x=wait, i=image,
a=activex, j=java, s=script, f=force, d=dimension, r=ratio, c=clip, cw=clipwidth, ch=clipheight, h=help,
fp=filenameprefix, fs=filenamesuffix, fd=filenamedate, ft=filenametime, g=gray, k=Watermark, im=interpolationmode, sm=smoothingmode, z=zoom

Snapshotter is a Windows command line program that allows you to take screenshots and thumbnails of web pages or whole websites

and convert html or text files to images. It is a command line interface for easy access from scripts or the web. The following image

formats are supported JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF. The program takes full color screenshots.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support