Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > Auctionawy 2012 Builtin Themes LiveUpdate and more
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 10-30-15 02:39 AM
Auctionawy 2012 Builtin Themes LiveUpdate and more


Auctionawy next version demos updated with many new features.

Please check the live demos

Things to check:

User Themes
Builtin themes for the user to select, on the user side, click on the gear icon at the top right and select the themes, go to view item page to see how themes changes. You will be able to create unlimited themes, it only takes less than 10 minutes to create a new them with your colors and images and styles etc, all fully automated.

the admin LiveUpdate feature at the top right in the admin center, this tools will allow you to download the latest versions and apply the updates automatically for you, no more hassle.

Automatic Admin Login Reset Securly
A new feature for the admin center to reset the admin login automatically and securly, all you need to kow your FTP login.

File Uploader for admin
The new feature File Uploader Ajax-ed with progress bar will never time out to allow you to upload files from your computer to the server to any folder without an FTP software.

Language Manager
New features and design with auto update for language files, will only add new updates without changing your installation, download and upload the language files from the language manager, create languages with their International codes automatically,

Live Code Panel
A new feature in the admin center "Live Code Panel" allow you to run a real Perl code within the software context which is very useful for small tasks or stats or updating anything immediately or searching for specific variable or data or doing anything on the database , the output will be captured and displayed for you.

New Design for User side
The user side has been redesigned for almost everything, for example the Feedback system has been redesigned and new stats for displaying other information like feedback percentage ex: admin (54% 11). We also have designed everything for themeing easily , redesigned even from the last time we emailed you to check the demo.

Admin New Design
We have also redesigned the admin center and added tons on features from the last time demo.

Any suggestions? Any Features You Dream? Bugs?
Please email me direct any suggestions or features you have in your mind or any bugs you see in the demos or anything you want to talk about in the new features, if you already emailed your suggestions make sure it will be very respected and if not added it will be on the top of the feature list.

Are you Eligible For Upgrade?
Make sure to upgrade your license if expired before the release of this version at least 2 months, we may decide to make it free upgrade for all unexpired license owners. Remember with the new version the LiveUpdate tool will make your live very easy with updates and you will never need any one to perform updates or upgrades for you.

More to come from Mewsoft.

Mewsoft Support