Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > Auctionawy Upgrade. Auto SSL, Widgets for Weather and Social Networks
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 12-30-15 12:44 PM
Auctionawy Upgrade. Auto SSL, Widgets for Weather and Social Networks


This auctionawy upgrade version 15.017 released 10/8/2011.

This new version added new features and few bug fixes.

Features added

1)-SSL Automated.
  Now the software will automatically use the correct SSL urls for pages supposed to use SSL connections

if the SSL option is enabled in the admin center->Configuration. The SSL pages are all account manager pages and the register page.

All you need now to use SSL is enable this option in your admin center->Configuration.

2)-Social Networks widget added.

This widget displays almost all big social networks:

Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Delicious, Linked In, YouTube, Feedburner, FriendFeed, Digg, Last.FM

This widget by default settings will display the icons to these social sites at the bottom of all pages, you can configure this widget

with your usernames to these sites and disable what you do not want, you can also display small or large icons , vertical of horizontal,

see the widget template file SocialNetworks.html in the widgets manager.

3)-Weather widget and gadget added.

We have added a nice widget and gadget for displaying weather information on your site using google weather api in the background and the

widget itself is displayed using Ajax request after the page is loaded to avoid delaying the page.

This widget will check if the user is logged in, will use its registered addess/zip code to get his location weather information and display it for him,

if the user is not logged in or the user address is not a valid address, the widget will use the default site locatoin address set by the admin in the widget itself

Please check the widget template Widget.html and the layout gadget template Weather.gadget.html. Settings for this widget also for temperature units

in Fahrenheit or Celsius.

This widget also supports caching, you can set the cache option for zero "0" to disable or any value in minutes. The code to insert in your templates is:

[widget::Weather(location="[plugin::UserZip],[plugin::UserCity],[plugin::UserState],[plugin::UserCountry]", default="37909", unit="f", cache="0")::]

This widget also has a gadget style design, you can call it direct from any other site or page like this:

4)-Bidding forms automatically disabled on view items pages if user is the seller. This saves a call to the server to tell the user you can not bid on your items.

5)-Filter option added to all select/drop down menus on the sell pages, search forms, location menus, etc.

6)-Fixed small bug in the admin, templates editor sorting menus for the files and themes. may be some small bugs here and there.

How to upgrade

As usual with the LiveUpdate, download and extract from your liveupdate tool in the admin, then apply upgrade difference which will upload

all new files in their correct folders. Also apply code upgrade.

After that if you want to use the widgets you can use the code in the Frontpage.html template or just copy it if you have not done any change to it.

Always as usual backup your entire site before doing any upgrades.

Based on some of our valued customer request, we added new manual services planes for applying the upgrades manually and for premium email support,

Please check our order page for these plans. Our free unlimited support will always be here on our forums.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support