Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > Auctionawy Upgrade 16.20
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 03-06-16 04:47 PM
Auctionawy Upgrade 16.20

Hello all,

This minor and important upgrade dedicated for speed and optimization. This upgrade specialized to code optimization

and better sql handling which led to 20-30% much faster than previous versions and added few features.

*) - This upgrade also moved all program setting from the file config/ to the sql database avoiding the use of a disk

file for settings.

*) - Location menu added to the settings page on the user side so you can remove the location gadget from the fron page if you want.

*) - Setting Editor feature added to the admin to view and edit any program settings manually for advanced users and developers who know what they are doing.

*) - Added also small features in the database manager table information and descibe table structure, user side toolbars customized for smaller not to wrap on small screens,

Important Before Upgrading

1)- You need to apply this upgrade Manually, do not use the LiveUpdate.

2)- download the latest version zip file, unzip then edit the new setting file in this folder config/

This file contains only your database information and your admin login, clear the admin login and set

your database login and info then upload this file in ASCII mode to the folder auction/config.

You need to do this step correctly or you will not be able to start the program normal.

3)-After you upgrade all the cgi files, the lib folder, the js folder , the gadgets folder, go to Liveupdate and run the

upgrade file Remember you should applied all previous upgrades.

4)-Upgade the widgets and templates you want.

5)-you can use the liveupdate to update the language files to add any new variables added.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support