Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > Webay Mobile Applications with AdMob Integration Released
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 10-07-19 10:13 PM
Webay Mobile Applications with AdMob Integration Released

Greeting from Mewsoft,

We have just released a new Webawy Mobile Applications with AdMob google advertising
integration for Android, iPhone, iPad, and Windows Phone.

Banners appear at the bottom of the application.

This will helps you make very good money from Google AdMob AdSense network.

We can customize the applications to your business name and logo.

install and try the apps from the links below for our real site

Android :


Windows Phone:

Just to remind you if you have not checked our site soon, Our Webawy now is Mobile ready,
please check the latest demos.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support