Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > ssl banners
vturnerjr First Post Posted on: 12-29-08 01:30 PM
ssl banners

I've added ssl my site & everything works great except the banners.

If I remove the following line from the [Top_Navigation] Class I don't recieve the 'nonsecure' errors when going to the {My Account} pages.

<td width="100%" align="right" nowrap><!--CLASS::Banner:Top_468-->

Is there anyway to change this or modify the [Top_Navigation] area so the banners show as secure items?

Thank in advance


mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-29-08 04:25 PM
Re: ssl banners

On the SSL templates, replace the [Top_Navigation]  with the [Top_Navigation_SSL]  and inside that _SSL class only use banners that have images located on the SSL so the images URL should start with https://. You can copy everything from the [Top_Navigation]  to the [Top_Navigation_SSL]  except the banner campaign you need to create one for the SSL area. Also any images on the SSL pages must be located on the SSL area.

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