Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Turning off emails
upperbid First Post Posted on: 01-22-09 01:51 PM
Turning off emails

Is there a way to turn off automated emails for specific tasks, such as the email that is sent every time you post an item. If so, is this done through administration or can each user specify that he does not want this email sent. I've looked but have not been able to find an option for this.
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 01-23-09 08:42 AM
Re: Turning off emails

Default emails for auction events can not be turned off for any reason unless you modify the code yourself.

Mewsoft Support

upperbid Reply #: 2 Posted on: 05-26-11 06:02 PM
Turning Off Emails

You wrote in 2005 that:\ \ "Default emails for auction events can not be turned off for any reason unless you modify the code yourself."\ \ Can you tell me where this code is and how I can modify it to remove listing confirmation emails. This is a lot of unnecessary mail, especially if someone has 500+ listings and has them scheduled to relist automatically.\ \ Just a thought for future modifications to scripts--you may want to make it send just one email for all listings within a designated time frame (say an hour or so).\ \ Thanks.