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bhlaserjet First Post Posted on: 02-01-09 12:05 PM
Category Sort

When I use category sort Other & Wholesale appear in the middle of catagory lists. Is there any way you can modify the sort routine to read recognize and sort the Other and Wholesale to the end of each list? I have over 23,000 categories and otherwise would have to resort all the other's and wholesale's by hand. \ \ I.E.\ \ Wholesale Lots\ Other\ \ Thanks\ BOB
poldy Reply #: 1 Posted on: 02-02-09 12:59 AM
Re: Category Sort

After sorting automatically.
Edit your Category Wholesale and give at a sort order number which is larger then any other you have.
It will automatically go to the end.

bhlaserjet Reply #: 2 Posted on: 02-02-09 08:23 AM
Category Sort

I know how to edit "Wholesale" and "Other" to a higher number and force it to go to the bottom of the list. I should not have to do this 5000 times manually. \ \ Again, My question is: Will you please modify the Sort Routine to automatically place any Categories with the words "Wholesale" and "Other" to the end of the list?\ \ It seems to me that, this is a software bug or oversight and should have been incorporated in the Sort routine to begin with.\ \ I.E.\ Wholesale Lots\ Other\ \ Can you modify the Sort routine to automically assign the words "Wholesale" and "Other" a higher Sort value and force them to the bottom of each list. This would save hours or maybe even days of work. \ \ Awaiting your reply\ Thanks\ BOB