Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Classifiedawy > Installing via the mewsoft website
lakeclassifieds First Post Posted on: 07-19-11 06:23 AM
Installing via the mewsoft website

I'm having a problem with the auto installer site on\ \ I have recently acquired a new domain name:\ \ My classifieds website domain name: is now a add-on domain to\ \ Can you please advise where I'm going wrong with completing the info on the auto-installer section?\ \ I look forward to hearing from you.
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-19-11 08:09 PM
Re: Installing via the mewsoft website

You did not say what error message you get or what is the problem. You can download the software also and use your FTPprogram instead of our autoinstaller. By the way, your license is to run the software on only one domain at the same time.

Mewsoft Support