hackey First Post Posted on: 11-01-11 12:32 PM
modify Ad

Hi Ahmad\ When I want to modify ad. When I added a new image, it records it as another image in the featured ad at home page.\ In the modify ad page you provided two links\ 1-update\ 2-make changes\ Both does the same function as "update"\ Now when someone still wants to make changes, he has no choice for further changes.\ Also I donot see reset button functioning in the modify ad page.\ \ Whenever you modify ad,it records it as another ad, in my account page under "current ads".\ \ hackey
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 11-02-11 10:43 PM
Re: modify Ad

No, there is Modify Ad and there is a Copy ad, copy add will copy all the ad info inclduing images for you to modify and will be posted as a new ad, if you do not modify any of its data it still will be posted as a new ad. Only the Modify ad will let you modify existing ad info.

Mewsoft Support

hackey Reply #: 2 Posted on: 11-03-11 06:07 AM
modify ad

Hi Ahmad\ Do I need to update templates for edit ad etc. As I tried again, when i click on modify ad, it records another image in featured ad at home page and also records another ad in the account manager->current ads section.\ \ Hackey
mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 11-03-11 07:19 AM
Re: modify Ad

It is better always of course to update to the latest versions, download the zip file and update the cgi's, templates, etc if you want. Becareful if you have doe customization, do not update the classes file in the templates directory Config.pm.

Mewsoft Support