Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Custom Programming > New custom programming ordered
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 08-06-12 08:53 PM
New custom programming ordered

Our valued customer "Colin Bitterfield" just placed an order for a great feature that will be added to our auction software. Our valued customer paid $750 for the custom work. Below is a short description of the work from emails communications.

The overall goal is to change the site logo based on a referrer and 
for it to stay changed when a customer logs in.

you want some kind of co-branding,

Here is my view and suggestions to be able to add it as a fixed
and advanced feature to the software, of course this will require a
major upgrade for you and all customers:

1)-We all add a new sql table "Auction_Branding" or any name
2)-We will add say 10 to 20 fields to this new sql table

the first field will hold the affiliate ID, the rest of the fields will hold their logos code or any other say 19 classes code that you can use on the templates as banners or as html or text that can be displayed for them as if they were running the site if you want to co -brand 100% with any of them. You can also create banner zones
specially for each affiliate and use it inside these affiliate classes and you can also customize your site
templates or header and footer for each one or some of them if you want.

3)-An admin new menu item will be added in the main nav called "Affiliat

4)-Inside the admin affiliate manager you will be able to add, edit delete
affiliate with their affiliate ID's and their code for all fields.

4)-A new upgrade script will be released to do this upgrade without reinstalling or changing in current system database

Scheduled delivery time is 3-4 weeks.

Thanks to Colin and to all our customer support and helping to continue develop our products and add new features for free for all customers.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

maverick Reply #: 1 Posted on: 08-20-12 02:34 AM
Re: New custom programming ordered

Will it be possible to counts clicks from those affiliates?\ \ Will it be possible doing exact the same thing but using their domain name transparently like\ \ Ahmed would you please apply this wonderful new feature into classifieds?\ \ Thanks a lot Colin Bitterfield and Ahmed.
romahawk Reply #: 2 Posted on: 12-30-12 12:11 PM
Re: New custom programming ordered

I see this upgrade has been added to the live admin demo but I can't get it to show up in my admin panel. What am I doing wrong?\ \ Has anyone else got it to work on their site. I seem to have the files created for it in my data base but I can't use them until I can get it activeted in my admin panel.
mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 12-30-12 09:24 PM
Re: New custom programming ordered

No it is not available for anyone. Since this custom work was very special and not everyone will be interested in such feature, it is removed and will be replaced by our coming module Affiliates.

Mewsoft Support

romahawk Reply #: 4 Posted on: 12-31-12 05:39 AM
Re: New custom programming ordered

Thanks for response....... Should I remove the affiliates categories that were created in the data base or doesn't it matter?