Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Script names
chrisang First Post Posted on: 10-23-09 10:55 AM
Script names

Is there a way I can get a FULL listing of all the many classes, labels, executables and I don't what you call these: , etc used throughout the auctionawy scripts\ \ This would surely help a non-tech guy like me to try customizing my page designs much more painlessly as I can straightaway recognize and apply some of the actions and labels without having to refer to constantly refer to the related scripts.
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 10-23-09 12:27 PM
Re: Script names

This is very clear, you can use 2 methods for customizations, the first is using the online admin center which is easy, you can customize direct or copy the template and classes to yourhtml editor the customize dthen paste it again, the same for language files. The other method is you can customize on your local computer, the language files under your data/language, and the templates are under the data/templates/Default. The first method is the best if you are do not have experiance or have experiance and it is the fastest.

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