macman First Post Posted on: 01-09-12 10:35 PM

Im confuse with this invoices....\ \ On my account it saids i have Current Balance: -185.80 \ \ when i send the invoice i get the email saying\ \ Account Balance: -185.80 \ Invoice Amount: -98.90 \ Invoice Amount Due: 68.90 \ Total Amount Due: 68.90 \ \ Total Amount Due says 68.90\ where does the 68.90 come in\ \ shoudnt it be -185.80\ \ I just don.t get it\ \ help here please\ \ thx
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 01-10-12 03:22 AM
Re: Invoices

The invoice amount is the money due during the invoice period you selected only, user may have a balance from other things or over due balance etc.

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