Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Classifiedawy > Users cannot post ads!
cosmo3 First Post Posted on: 01-15-12 09:50 AM
Users cannot post ads!

Part of the problem is that the categories don't show in the category option, and the regions do not show. As a result, ad posting cannot be processed. Since the update URL (below) is a broken link, I suppose this is part of the problem.\ "" is a broken link!\ \ How are the regions (countried/cities) set up? Why the categories don't show in the ad posting form?\ If someone has an answer, please let me know\ Thank you
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 01-15-12 10:02 AM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

You setup everything in your admin center. You need to create the Location categories and the Type categories from your admin center. You also wrong html code in your classes or templates, your home page shows the JS code:

Mewsoft Support

cosmo3 Reply #: 2 Posted on: 01-15-12 10:32 AM
Users cannot post ads!

Well,\ I am glad you were able to observe that. If the HTML code is wrong, what's the solution? I did not change any code myself. How do I correct that?\ \ The type categories, what do they mean? If I know what it means, I can set it up accordingly.\ Why are the general categories not shown in the user ad posting form?\ \ Thank you for your help.
mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 01-15-12 11:32 AM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

Nothing changes by itself, someone has to chenge it, you either edited the header or top_nav classes or templates. The solution for this mess is to restore your templates.

Type categories in your admin center , these are the : For Sale, For Rent etc. Look at our demo.

Mewsoft Support

cosmo3 Reply #: 4 Posted on: 01-15-12 11:50 AM
Users cannot post ads!

All I have done was trying to run the script. I have made no changes in my template. The header, including logo has not changed a bit. I have not even thought about how to change these yet! Anyway, the point is to make the script run. Then I'll customize the templates.\ \ I will do as you say. I still have issues with the general categories not showing in the user ad posting form. Any idea why?\ Thank you much for your help.
cosmo3 Reply #: 5 Posted on: 01-15-12 11:58 AM
Users cannot post ads!

I have a hard time finding the files you mentioned previously: header or top_nav classes or templates. Would you be so king to point me to the directory where these files can be found?\ \ Thank you
mewsoft Reply #: 6 Posted on: 01-15-12 11:59 AM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

As I said before, everything in your admin center. See the template editor and class editor. You can copy any classes you changed from our demo or templates, OR using an FTP program you can upload the directory data/templates/Default, transfer all files in ASCII mode.

Mewsoft Support

cosmo3 Reply #: 7 Posted on: 01-15-12 01:13 PM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

I did upload the data/templates/default folder, but nothing has changed. What exactly did you want me to do with this "function JS_OnLoad() { }". Did you want me to delete it? How exactly do want want me to modify the header template to correct this?\ \ Thank you
cosmo3 Reply #: 8 Posted on: 01-15-12 01:59 PM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

I must also tell you that I uploaded the default folder from a new download directly from your site! Still it shows the same error. Do you still think I am the one who modifid the script and created this mess? If so, please check out the header file from your script!\ I would really appreciate it if we could solve this matter ASAP. Please do not forget that the general categories do not show in the user ad posting form either! Very important!\ \ Thank you
cosmo3 Reply #: 9 Posted on: 01-15-12 02:17 PM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

I must also tell you that I uploaded the default folder from a new download directly from your site! Still it shows the same error. Do you still think I am the one who modifid the script and created this mess? If so, please check out the header file from your script!\ I would really appreciate it if we could solve this matter ASAP. Please do not forget that the general categories do not show in the user ad posting form either! Very important!\ \ Thank you
mewsoft Reply #: 10 Posted on: 01-15-12 07:43 PM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

It is still installation error, it may be some files were uploaded to the server in Binary mode. All files under cgi-bin/classified directory must be transfered in ASCII mode. There is no magic in installation.

Mewsoft Support

cosmo3 Reply #: 11 Posted on: 01-15-12 10:07 PM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

DO you mean that I have to re-upload all files under the cgi-bin directory again in ASCII mode? All the files were installed in ASCII mode at the same time, except for images folder and the default directory that I recently re-uploaded in ASCII mode. Are there some files in particular you would like me to re-upload?
cosmo3 Reply #: 12 Posted on: 01-16-12 08:00 AM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

DO you mean that I have to re-upload all files under the cgi-bin directory again in ASCII mode? All the files were installed in ASCII mode at the same time, except for images folder and the default directory that I recently re-uploaded in ASCII mode. Are there some files in particular you would like me to re-upload?
mewsoft Reply #: 13 Posted on: 01-16-12 09:37 AM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

I can access your admin.cgi, then it is installed now fine, you need then to complete the mysql configuration.

Mewsoft Support

cosmo3 Reply #: 14 Posted on: 01-17-12 08:07 AM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

First, I would like to thank you for all your help.\ Second, I still have 2 problems:\ \ 1. Users still cannot place ads because the general categories page, at the ad-posting page, show no categories. Please go here:, and click on the link "place an ad" and then click on the box that says "select category". You will soon see that this option is not working because the popup window does not show any categories.\ \ 2. Everyone has access to my admin.cgi page because at the admin configuration page, my new admin login info is not accepted. If you try:, you will be able to access the admin panel. Once you re-configure the admin login access, you will be taken to a login page. However, logging in with the new admin access username and password will fail.\ \ \ Please help ASAP!\ Thank you
cosmo3 Reply #: 15 Posted on: 01-17-12 10:54 AM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

Now I cannot control the admin panel. I was able to login, but the scropt continuously asks me to login every time I click on a link in the admin panel. Consequently, I cannot use the admin panel to make any changes.\ \ Please help ASAP!\ \ Thank you
mewsoft Reply #: 16 Posted on: 01-18-12 04:18 AM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

Your category donot show because you maybe did not upload the *.js files in ascii mode in your html/auctions/ directory. Second you seems to be wasting your time learning on the installation, you can simply order our installatin service for $30 and get your site runinng in 1 hour. This topic will be closed.

Mewsoft Support

cosmo3 Reply #: 17 Posted on: 01-18-12 05:59 AM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

You are so right! I thought that would help me understand the scripts so that I could solve any problem that may come up in the future. Can you finalize the installation now? I am going to order the installation ASAP!\ \ Thank you