Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Currency converter
ppch First Post Posted on: 12-10-09 05:23 PM
Currency converter

Hi Mew i suggest this web site for currency converter :\ Please verify is possible a customization for inclusion at auctionawy script.\\ \ Best regards\ Francesco
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-10-09 05:33 PM
Re: Currency converter

You do not need our customization, you can use it direct if you can pay $540 per year for their service. Th free plan is their website advertising.

  • Option:1. Free Customization2. Full Customization Ads:Yes: 1 (one) banner adNo: 0 (zero) banner ads
    Input Page:Customized as you desire and hosted on your site.Customized as you desire and hosted on your site.
    Results Page:Our standard currency converter results, including 1 (one) banner ad, but encapsulated in HTML code specified by you.Converter results, without any banner ad, customized to your specifications. You may include any number of your own ads.
    Currencies Available:As few or many as you want, up to all 189 world currenciesAs few or many as you want, up to all 189 world currencies
    Cost:100% free.A flat annual rate of US$540. UNLIMITED USAGE. The world's most popular currency converter. No hidden charges, all taxes included. What more can we say?
    For more info:Keep reading this document.Click here to go to the full customization page.

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