Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Featured items - random problem
auctionweb First Post Posted on: 12-18-09 09:09 AM
Featured items - random problem

Hello all,\ I have about 20 home page featured items, and i configured it to be shown 5 items per home page page(at the admin).\ It works OK, but not always - some time it's works and the featured items apears, and some times it doesn't apear at all (even not the 'X' thing).\ It seems to apear according to random parameter.\ How can i set it to apear always(cancel the random parameter)? \ \ Thank's,\ AuctionWeb

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auctionweb Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-22-09 01:46 AM
Any replies???

Any replies???

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