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jnelson63 First Post Posted on: 12-19-09 09:58 PM
Payment Methods

I created a merchant account with and entered my username and password in the admin.cgi...but what is next??? I tried making a payment with a user account in the auction and i keep getting an unspecified error smile\ \ Do i need to setup a specific product at, with a specific productId???\ \ Please Help.\ \ Also, I was able to make a payment through paypal, but when I click the check payments, it says there are not payments in the system...when i clearly see them in the inbox for the email account. \ \ Thanks.
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-20-09 04:39 AM
Re: Payment Methods

For 2CO, their policy is no longer accept auctions sites before you go ahead. As for Paypal, you need to set the paypal email in your admin -> billing manager.

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