Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Regarding the confirmation emails
mightypat First Post Posted on: 07-09-11 01:15 PM
Regarding the confirmation emails

Ahmed,\ \ I know that if a user uses a hotmail or yahoo email account, and if there is a spam filter set up, then all the emails will go to the spam/junk mailbox.\ \ I am trying to understand why that is. Is it because the messages are auto-generated? or is it because of the title of the emails? It is not good if people cannot receive their confirmation emails, and I cannot really ask them to change their email spam filter setting just for me.\ \ Thanks,\ \ mightypat
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-09-11 04:21 PM
Re: Regarding the confirmation emails

Contact hotmail support, nothing on applications side.

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