Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Classifiedawy > Time Limits
valleysales First Post Posted on: 09-22-12 04:56 PM
Time Limits

Dear Mewsoft\ \ On my past post, I asked about removing all time limits, I went into Class Editor and to the 4 listing sections, and removed "Duration" there. and that took the time limits off the main pages.\ \ But I must still have in in the system somewhere as when I go to > My Current Ads...Page, There are still time limits beside the products... If you can explain how to remove it completely it would help greatly and save so much time.\ \ Or if anyone else reads this post and can help me, I would really appreciate it\ \ Thanking you in advance\ Donna\ Valley Sales\ Australia
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 09-22-12 06:17 PM
Re: Time Limits

These are in te Listig classes. In the class editor, edit all classes that start with List*

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