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josephdaigle First Post Posted on: 09-24-10 11:02 PM
Banners and Zones : ( another question

I have read the documentation and searched over and over in the forum, it is still not making sense to me.\ \ I thought I had it down for a minute then nothing happend. I was able to get the words MotorCycle_Top to show up under a MotorCycle category, but that was all.\ I understand a campaign as being where you are going to show an advertisers ad at. And I thought I understood what zones where, but I am not sure what the Zones relate to under each category. They are labeled Zone1, Zone2, etc..and there is a lot of room for each. How do these correlate to an area on a page?\ Can anyone please give me a quick run through of how these things relate? I am willing to pay someone for some solid easy to understand instructions. The bits and pieces I find on the forum are doing nothing more than confusing the hell out of me..\ \ I just want to know, if someone wanted to pay to have their ad on a particular page, or even the index, how would I do this. After I create the banner account, how do I link all of this together? How do the "Zones" under the categories relate back to Banner Manager?\ \ \ From the looks of my searches thru the forum this is a pretty typical question. This would be an awesome opportunity for someone to show their writting skillz and their good heart.\ \ Thank you in advance!\ \ Joseph