Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Adding new langauge...
newbie First Post Posted on: 03-31-08 06:05 AM
Adding new langauge...

Please bear with me because I relatively new at this. I know how to add a new language in Admin backend . So say I add Spanish , what does program do.

copy all file from :



then is language English automatically transulated to Spanish or do I have to map all English words to Spanish. The reason I am asking is when I add new language and "select it as defaut" , it still displays in English. Has anyone one has any experience with this and what is the best way to go about doing it ?

mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 03-31-08 09:52 AM
Re: Adding new langauge...

Yes you are doing good, you need to translate all the text in the new language you created from English To Spanish your self, the program does not translate it just copy the files in English.

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