Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Can you please help me!?
djwilly First Post Posted on: 06-02-11 07:13 PM
Can you please help me!?

Hello!!\ I tryed to fegur out how to show a sample banner of my site on the affialate program but didn't work!!\ When affalliates want to get my link to their site so it's nice to show them a sample of the banner.\ How can I add banners and show samples?\ Yeah, by the way where can I change the color of the links? they are all blue and I want to change them? Looked everywhere but coudln't find the code tha changing the Link color!?\ Ahmed Are going to be mad at me again? I swear I searched the forum!!\ \ \ Regards
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-03-11 01:10 AM
Re: Can you please help me!?

For the colors, there are some CSS code in the Header class in the class editor, you change these as you like, there are some classes for links, categories, etc.

For the affiliates, use the page Resources to put your banners images and of course you can make their link to your own affiliate account or just direct link to your website so your affiliates can download these images and use them on their own websites, of course you need to create different sizes banners 486x60, 120x90, etc. Of course you can upload the banners images to your auctions/images folder (in binary mode of course) then link to them in the Resources template normal like any image.

Mewsoft Support

djwilly Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-03-11 06:03 AM
Re: Can you please help me!?

Thanx hero