Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Any Chance For Bulk Upload and Same Start/Stop Time Feature?
lindap First Post Posted on: 04-27-08 09:30 PM
Any Chance For Bulk Upload and Same Start/Stop Time Feature?

Hello! I am really enjoying the new program but have a question. Is there any chance I could implement my auction so that users (mainly myself) could START ALL auctions at one time and END them all at one time? I have another auction website (I am the sole seller) where I start all my auctions on Friday and end them all on Sunday evenings at 9 pm. This would mean Auctionawy would have to have a bulk upload feature for all auction items with a start-end time that the user would have the choice to pick when posting - or they could just use the standard "end when you post time feature" already in the auction program. This is very important to my auction program and hope someone has an idea on this. For Mewsoft: I am sure this is considered customization work, so how much would it cost to get this feature in my auction - if possible? Thanks to all who reply!
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-28-08 06:24 AM
Re: Any Chance For Bulk Upload and Same Start/Stop Time Feature?

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