Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Searchawy > Edit profile error AGAIN
bidmart First Post Posted on: 02-03-15 11:04 PM
Edit profile error AGAIN

Dear Mew,

I followed your instruction.

I think I have to re explain my problem.
My problem is regarding Edit profile.
I can dit profile on the account manager overview page.The problem coming when I saving the edited page.
After press the button to save that, it will give 404 Error. Browser will show bellow address

Please help me to sort this out.


mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 02-04-15 12:19 AM
Re: Edit profile error AGAIN

It is the same solution also, you need to resotre the edit profile template instead of the account manager.

same rules applies to any template you mess something wrong.


Mewsoft Support