Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Classifiedawy > Placing Images First Post Posted on: 05-08-15 01:20 PM
Placing Images

I have not tried to place ads on my site yet.... but my logo has moved to the center of the home page which is what I wanted, and mentioned in a previous I'm not sure if that is something I've done, or something you've either way, I now have space on the left and right to place ads or images...which is good...I have alos figured out how to move the main body section down using the wysiwyg template editor...I know how to use the template editor to ad an image but I can't figure out how to get the image url... I know how to upload the image to my host server where the website is, but wht do I put in the URL box? I also do not know whre the zones are on the front page? I need to have 3 Zones on One long one in the middle 728X90 and the 2 smaller ones of identical sizes at either end of that one. Wher can I find out how to find and move/resize zones...I am of course assuming that 'Zones" are the places I put My ad campaigns in? Thanks Paul
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-09-15 12:47 AM
Re: Placing Images

Hello Paul,

if you check the templates and classes code, you will figure out everything how it works. For images links for example,

there is 2 methods you can use, the first is to use direct links as usual as you do in any regular html static page, like:

in this example you should upload the image file myimage.gig to the server folder:


the second method is to let the software insert the theme images url in your templates and you

replace ("")  the above

link with this class

Code: HTML

so your link to the image should be :

Code: HTML

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