Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Paypal IPN Notifications
yitzi First Post Posted on: 07-02-13 01:02 AM
Paypal IPN Notifications

I have Paypal working up to the point customers can make a payment, it posts to paypal and I get the confirmed email. I have the API key info and email inserted in the paypal setup. Auctioway just does not post the payments to the customer account. I have all the recommended perl modules installed and running the test script confirms they are there. I looked at paypal and it says IPN Notification messages are disabled, that I have to provide the IPN URL address. What is the IPN Notification address for Auctionway? What else can I do?

mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-02-13 03:28 AM
Re: Paypal IPN Notifications


There are Topics in our FAQ forum on how to setup the Paypal payments, its should have all the

details for this issue, make sure the paypal scripts and in general all the .cgi files on your server

have the 755 permissions and the first line in each file pointing to Perl on your server, you will find

some .cgi files with the name Paypal in it for this issue.


Mewsoft Support

yitzi Reply #: 2 Posted on: 07-02-13 05:56 AM
Re: Paypal IPN Notifications

What is the Paypal IPN notification Notification url for Auctionway?

The perl paths are correct, and permissions are good too.

Used the FAQ to set up the API.

mewsoft's Wrote:


There are Topics in our FAQ forum on how to setup the Paypal payments, its should have all the

details for this issue, make sure the paypal scripts and in general all the .cgi files on your server

have the 755 permissions and the first line in each file pointing to Perl on your server, you will find

some .cgi files with the name Paypal in it for this issue.


mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 07-02-13 08:27 AM
Re: Paypal IPN Notifications

The notify URL is automatically sent to the paypal by the software when doing payments,

the IPN is automatically doing everything for processing the payments and is been used for years by others.

You do not need to set it up manually yourself however if you need it, it should be pointing to the file PaypalNotify.cgi

in your installation, i.e.:

this is the notify url .


Mewsoft Support