Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Theme mods
myriadmediallc First Post Posted on: 10-12-15 10:32 AM
Theme mods

I went to the Themeroller site and modified a version of their Trontastic theme. Downloaded it to my mac, then uploaded it to my Auctionawy site. However, some of the .css wasn't there in the download, such as menu and menubar. I copied these over from Trontastic, no problem. However, I stumbled through copying an existing theme into a new directory name and uploaded the new theme. The theme doesn't seem to work the way it is supposed to. Do you have a step-by-step instruction list on installing a new Themeroller theme somewhere? On a second note, I noticed that by replacing the background image on the header I was able to tile the header with a custom image. However, the site wants to use this same header for some of the other widgets, such as new user registration and each of the menus (main left, also dropdowns). Can you tell me where the specific callout for each of the elements is, so that I can reassign a different background image than the one from the header? Thanks!
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 10-12-15 09:26 PM
Re: Theme mods


if you created a new theme from website, just copy the folder for the css and images as

you in our software under js/themes folder, then we use a php script in the js/themes folder to build the themes

css files into one single file to reduce the server  and load time and speed up the page load, the script you will

find called build-ui-themes.php in the js/themes/build-ui-themes.php you need to call this once from your browser

to rebuild all themes css files. It creates a single css file called jquery-ui.css for each theme in the theme folder,

of course you can create it manually by copying and pasting theme css files but in some sort, see the sort in that

php file if you want to do it manually.

After that see the settings template for the theme list so you need to add the new theme entry.


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