dubina First Post Posted on: 11-15-16 11:57 PM

Hi Ahmed. Where do I get the item after the auction expiration returned to the store with the option to resubmit the auction. I need a border on items on the front page. Thank you Jan
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 11-16-16 04:47 AM
Re: Item


All items will display in the user account manager. All not sold items will display under Not sold etc. As site admin you can view all items from the

auction module.

To add border to the front page items, you can customize the css in the main css file or the widgets in the Design module.


Mewsoft Support

dubina Reply #: 2 Posted on: 11-16-16 10:31 AM
Induction of unsold items

Hi Ahmed. Induction of unsold items - insert: Edit, Delete. Thank you Jan
mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 11-16-16 08:32 PM
Re: Item

The "Not Sold" in the users account manager has the links "Copy" and "Relist".

Mewsoft Support