shawnn First Post Posted on: 09-08-08 08:50 PM

Mewsoft designers, 

Is there any plans to add a few small upgrades for your next 8._ release?  The features my friends and I believe are important are:  

A. Making the site title less universal, especially for item pages. Perhaps having them display the site name and item information.

B. Making the images in thumb nail enlarge features as an additional option added to the slide show, side by side, and stacked. A lot of people like thumbs as they are easier to use, and look neater, more professional then having several different sized images.

C. Making the PAYMENT OPTIONS something easier to use then a selector they are in now. A lot of people do not know how to use those. The old checks where easier to select.

D. Is there a way for sellers to cancel a bid? On the demo it shows you can, but then there are never any bids there to delete. Also on this topic can there be a way for an admin person choose to allow bid retractions for users?

E. Finally, there is a security issue with the VIEW BID HISTORY page. Signed in as a user, you can see what everyone else bidded. Shouldn't that be kept private until the auction has closed?

My friends & I are interested in buying your software, but need these small (but urgent) features included, so we can order the software. As soon as you can, please advise of the 5 feature questions above.

Much thanks and cheers,


mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 09-08-08 11:25 PM
Re: features

Thank you for your interest.

Seems like you are familiar with our Auction software so I am assuming you are already a customer.

As for doing new features, we have our scheduale and lists for upgrades and updates that we work on and we normmaly respect all suggestions and study them carefully.

As for doing features specially for you before you can buy, of course this is not on our scheduale however we offer a custom work programming and many features now in the software added based on custom orders from customers.

Thank you again for your interest.

Mewsoft Support