Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Please help me
bids First Post Posted on: 09-11-08 08:31 PM
Please help me

Hello, I am new to this forum stuff. I recently bought 1/3 of the 8.0 script, nice work. I do have a few issues with the script though. \ \ > On the Sell page, I continue to receive a page that says: \ Software error:\ \ "GD object version 2.16 does not match $GD::VERSION 2.07 at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/mach/ line 225. \ Please send mail to this site's webmaster for help. Content-type: text/html \ \ \ Server Error \ The following required Perl modules are not installed on this server:\ \ GD\ \ Please contact your server administrator or hosting company to install these modules.\ \ Perl modules can be downloaded from or installed using the programs ppm or cpan that comes with perl in the same bin directory. To install perl module, run the program ppm or cpan or perl -MCPAN -e shell, then type install module_name. Root access required for this action."\ \ Now, it was working just fine before (I think) for approx. 2 weeks, but then it just began giving me this message when I click the "Sell" link, or when I select a region, select a Cat/Sub-Cat, upload a picture, or if I am lucky enough to make it to the end to submit the test auction, it without fail gives me the same error message. I never actually get to submit the test auction, at all. If it was working, and now it is not, what might have happend? \ \ > Secondly, I agree with Shaw, & my partner (rebel), we need checkboxes for the sell page. I too am a firm believer in the whole "thumbnail" picture service myself, & believe it would be a great addition for your next update. I did figure out how to do the title bar for each auction though. If you are interested, you can write & ask me, I would be happy to help. \ \ > Thirdly, Does anyone have any know how on installing these scripts? The person whom is my other partner has been so busy, or whatever to notice my emails, & has stopped responding. I need someone who can help me install this script. Or help me figure out the GD error issue as mentioned above. Please let me know, I would greatly appreciate it. :-) \ \ Please let me know, as soon as possible. Thank you much, .
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 09-11-08 10:03 PM
Re: Please help me

The error shows that you do not have a working GD perl module installed. Either it was not completely installed or not installed at all. May be someone try to upgrade it but did not finish the install process. Ask your hosting company to install the latest GD perl module and we have here on our site a GD_Test files, see our Update forum about that.

As for changes on the sell page, the source code is open source, you can change as you like but we see it this is the right way.

As for looking for installing, of course we can do the installation and configuration for you, just order our installation service or contact us for any custom work you need.

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