Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Extra Text in Auctions
bobb First Post Posted on: 09-20-08 08:52 PM
Extra Text in Auctions

I have a question... on every auction I have the following text under the Seller/High Bidder. \ \ Textbox: \ Textarea: \ General Menu \ CheckBox \ Radio \ \ What is this for and how do I get rid of it. I have check everywhere, and I do know where it is coming from. \ \ I just need to know what file or MySQL table to delete this out of.
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 09-21-08 08:41 PM
Re: Extra Text in Auctions

This is just a demo on how to use the custom fields
you can disable these fields in your admin->custom fields manager
then select the first 4 fields and set their status to not active.
This will apply only to the new auctions but not the current auctions.

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