Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Error: New user sign-up required fields
darcyv First Post Posted on: 11-09-08 01:01 AM
Error: New user sign-up required fields

Hello,\ \ I changed the new user sign-up required fields so that certain fields (company name, fax, job title) were not required for sign up. The asteriks no longer appears indicating that it's a mandetory field that needs to be filled out but when I do a test run filling out the form I get this:\ \ Error: incorrect or missing data fields\ • You must enter your company name.\ • You must enter your Fax number.\ • You must enter your job title.\ \ Also, after I did the upgrade I'm note seeing the number of categories in the site statitistics anymore:\ \ Site Statistics \ 0Categories\ \ I have a lot of categories/subcategories set up but is it because I don't have anything listed in them yet?\ \ And... I have a question awaiting an answer in another forum (NetPartners) that may have gotten overlooked.\ \ Thanks!
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 11-09-08 02:01 AM
Re: Error: New user sign-up required fields

Admin->Account Manager -> Registration Page Options then uncheck the "Required" buttons for the fields that you do not make it required to be filled by the user.

As for the categories count not displayed, try admin->Category Manager -> Update Categories Count 

Same steps for Accounts count admin->Accounts Manager -> Update Counts

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