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How to add custom page to your site - content managment Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 12-25-11 06:47 PM last post first post

You can add unlimited custom pages to your site using our Auction, Classifieds, Search, or Forum software. To add a custom page, go to your product admin center, click on Template Editor, create the new page using this form, for example, to create a page called News:

 Create Custom Page 

< />
New Custom Page Name:   

After you enter the page name (it is recommended no spaces or strange characters), click the button Create Page, you will get this message:


Custom page News has been created.

Edit the language files News.page.pm from the Language Manager for each language.
Also edit the template file News.page.shtml from the template editor for each them.
To insert a link in your templates for this page, insert the class
Code: HTML    Select All    Expand All

in your templates


This message is self explained about the new template and language files added and you can edit to your needs.

Now to access this page from the browser, from inside the program itself you can use the class above to access the page, so you can insert the link to the page as follows:

Code: HTML    Select All    Expand All
&lt;a href=&quot;&lt;!--CLASS::Page:News--&gt;&quot;&gt;News&lt;/a&gt;

Of course you can access the page direct after you see the link generated which is something like this:


You replace the Name=News to the page name your created and the Lang=English to the language you used if different. Of course you replace also the script url and name with your product url and name (auction.cgi, classified.cgi, dir.cgi, or forum.cgi)

Mewsoft Support

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