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How do I get the updates and latest version for my product. Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 07-27-09 12:07 PM last post first post


This information for Mewsoft customers with products that issued a License number.

Once you get the license number you can download the product you purchased from Mewsoft website www.mewsoft.com by going to the link "My Account" then login using the license number and you will see all your licensed products and also you will be able to update your contact email, domain, and auto intaller information.

To get any updates or bug fixes simply download the latest version from your "My Account", unzip on your local computer, then update the required files only as instructed in the update information.

To know what version you have, in your admin center, click on the link "About" in the top navigation.

To know what version the downloaded package, just update the file Configuration.pm to your server from the package and again go to your admin and click on About.

The version number and build date are set in the variables:

 $Global{Software_Version} = "8.516";
 $Global{Software_Build} = "040305";

in the file Configuration.pm in case you wantto know what the latest version from the zip file without installing or updating. The software build date variable is set as month/day/year.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

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