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How to make users accounts as sub domains on your website Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 08-28-12 09:43 PM last post first post

Dear All,

Do you want to offer your users sub domains for free?. Let them use their Usernames as sub domains.

Our products Auctionawy, Classifiedawy, Searchawy, and Boardawy has a great feature which lets your users access their About Me Pages using their User ID (Username) as a sub domain of your website.

For example, as user registered on your website with User ID called "mewsoft", will be able to access his own About Me Page by typing this address in his browser:


The software will automatically redirect the user to his own about me page.

Requierments For This Feature To Work

1)-This feature requires your domain DNS setting to have a DNS Wild Card record Added or Enabled. You need to contact your domain hosting company (Not Mewsoft) and ask them that you want to have a wild card DNS record enabled on your domain so you can access your domain by typing:

For example
x.yourdomain.com, y.yourdomain.com, etc, all these should point to yourdomain.com.

Your hosting company may charge you for this or may not, it is up to them. They also may tell you that your website control panel have a tool to manage your domain DNS records your self and you need to add this record with their help.

Of course if you have your own dedicated server then you are the master and you can add this record your self, you need to restart your server or the DNS server after you add this record.

An example, in Plesk servers:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just add a wildcard DNS A record to the zone file for your domain.
So if the IP address is, the A record line in your zone file then looks like:
* A
That way, all requests to any sub domain will end up at specified IP address and you can then handle them appropriately.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go to the domain DNS, Click Add Record, then
Select "A"
Enter: *
Enter the domain static IP address

This will add a record like this:
 Host   Record type  Value
 *.mewsoft.com.  A
You can also add this record to the server DNS template

In Cpanel and other control panels, ask your hosting.

2)-You must have SSI (Server Side Include) enabled on your server. You should use the file index.shtml which normally comes with all our products to redirect your website home page requests to one of our products (auction.cgi, classified.cgi, dir.cgi, or forum.cgi). The index.shtml file should only have one SSI command like this:

Code: HTML    Select All    Expand All
<!--#exec cgi="cgi-bin/classified/classified.cgi"-->

Using any other redirection for example using Javascript to redirect your homepage to a product will disable this feature.

Please do not contact Mewsoft for any issues regarding enabling the wild card DNS record on your domain, please work direct with your hosting for this, this is a hosting service.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

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