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New Features on the way Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 01-13-09 04:06 PM next post first post
Greeting from Mewsoft,

Everyone must say thank you to "totalbids.co.uk" http://www.totalbids.co.uk/ as they ordered a custom work for some new features, even they paid for this custom work, it will be available for free for all the customers once it is does. Of course this will help the development and everyone using the product. So everyone must say for them. An email will be sent out for all customers once the new features added and will be posted here.

These order costed and paid in advance a none refundable $300. Thank you.

Thank you Jason, Sharon for your support for this product.

THank you everyone

Below is the custom work ordered and in progress now.

Hi Ahmed

I need some custom work done on my site.

I would like to allow all users to register on the site without needing a
credit card. If they want to sell, when they click on sell i would like the
script to see if the user has a credit card on file. If they don't then they
get taken to the credit card input screen where they have to put a valid
credit card in. Once they do this once then when they click sell again then
the script should look to see if they have a card on file and if they do
then allow them to go straight to the submit item page.

I also need a couple of changes on the credit card pages. I would like to
change the Card types to be :

1) Visa
2) Mastercard
3) Switch
4) Solo

I require no other credit card types.

I also require another filed below CVV number called Issue Number with the
title saying "Issue Number (Switch & Solo Cards only)" This field can be 5
characters long and contain only numbers. The usual size for issue numbers
on cards is 2 or 3 but i think 5 will definitely cover it. Again, if the
script detects that a switch or a solo card has been entered then an issue
number must also be entered as all switch and solo cards have issue numbers.

I do have a bit of perl code that checks the authenticity of switch and solo
cards if that could also be incorporated.

Please make sure that this mod will work with the secure server function for credit card input as i do now have that working correctly.

Kindest regards


Mewsoft Support

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Re: New Features on the way Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 01-13-09 04:09 PM last post previous post
This custom work has been done and added to the product and will be free for all customers.

Thank you for everyone support this product.

Mewsoft Support

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