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Right to left for Arabic, Hebrew, etc Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 01-30-20 11:13 PM last post first post

We have included the special css file sytlertl.css in the default theme with some css customizations for

right to left direction for languages like Arabic, Hebrew, etc. We already inserted the html code to

include this file in the widget Head but disabled by commenting it, all you need to include this

rtl style file is to include it, the default line of code like this:

<!--link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[plugin::Views]stylertl.css" /-->

all you need is to uncommet that line:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[plugin::Views]stylertl.css" />

You can use this css file to overwrite any css code for your RTL themes.

The Head widget exists in the desgin module Widget editor, which exists in the folder:


The style file stylertl.css exists in the template editor in the desgin module with the theme templates

which exists under theme/default/views folder.

You will need also to set the language direction variable in the language module file General and the page direction, for this see this topic:

Arabic Translation and Display - Right to Left Display

Mewsoft Support

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