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Webawy Version 23 Released Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 04-08-20 02:20 PM last post first post

Greeting from Mewsoft,

Webawy version 23 released. This version added a new feature to combine and minify Javascript and CSS files contained inside the views/templates and widgets.

Look at the Head.html file in the Widgets folder or in our demo->Design->Widgets, you will find a code like this:

      <!--buildjs: [plugin::JsDir]/app.js,
        <script type="text/javascript" src="[plugin::jsUrl]app.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

and css files can be combined as:

       <!--buildcss: [plugin::JsDir]/apprtl.css,
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[plugin::jsUrl]apprtl.css" />

From the admin center, the Design module, the "Build" Tab two new links allows you to build Javascript files and CSS files.

The software will search all themes views and widgets folders for *.html files and scan for the buildjs and buildcsss bolcks as above

and build the files combined and minified.

This will reduce the number or calls to the server and speed up the whole website.

You can add any files and libs as you like in any template/view file or widget file.

Remember after you do any changes to these JS and CSS files you need to build from the Design module to apply the changes.

How to apply this version








Then you will find in your admin -> Design module -> Build tab these two new links:

Build Javascript Files From buildjs blocks in Views and Widgets.

Build CSS Files From buildcss blocks in Views and Widgets.

These links will build the JS and CSS files for you any time you want.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

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