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Directory & PPC Software - Searchawy
Directory & PPC Software - Searchawy Main
Features Summary
These documentations not always updated, please check our
demos for full features.
For latest updates see our
Announcements Forums.
- SQL database driven 100%.
- Unlimited nested categories.
- Static and dynamic live output.
- Full accounting system.
- Now with thumnails
screen shots.
- Keywords and Position Bidding.
- Fully integrated banner server.
- Database management.
- Multi - lingual.
- Website builder.
- Submissions control.
- HTML template based.
- Custom functions.
- External programs integration.
- Unlimited mailing lists.
- Easy setup wizard.
- Intelligence upgrade system.
- Very customizable.
- Reviews and ratings.
- Credit card processing.
- Paypal full automatic integration.
- Spider Sites.
- Dmoz.org Crawler plugin.
Searchawy Main Features Details
These are just a few of the main features only of the search engine
software. The software has hundreds of features which can not be listed
SQL database driven 100% |
SQL databases are the most powerful database systems
until this moment that can handle several Gig bytes of information safely
with the highest search speed and information retrieval. Based on this
Mewsoft search engine built with all its databases using SQL (mySQL).
This includes all the categories, mailing lists, accounts, users
information, websites information, ratings, statistics and any data used by
the software. This makes the software unlimited in its capacity and speed
which puts the software in race with the major big search engine now on the
net. |
Links Screen shots and thumbnails with Snapshot Manager |
Manager is a Windows desktop program to add web pages thumbnails
screenshots to your directory website. Revive your directory with Snapshots.
Snapshots are thumbnail screenshots of your directory web pages that allow
you to visualize web sites or preview links before clicking. Snapshots take
away the guessing and unwanted surprises from surfing the Internet. Locate
relevant information faster and easier. The end result is less frustration
and increased productivity. Add a What You See Is What You Get visual
experience to everyone, every time and everywhere. |
Unlimited Nested Categories |
The software has built in category manager in the admin
center which allows to create unlimited number of categories and
subcategories levels. Since the categories are stored also in SQL database
then its is unlimited practically. Each category and subcategory can be
configured separately for generating Meta Tags (title, description,
keywords), using templates, sort order, display under its parent category as
a teaser, html customizations, and more. |
Static and Dynamic Live Output |
Searchawy is actually two search engine from its
infrastructure. All major known search engines are either free which uses
static output like Yahoo.com or pay per click which generates dynamic output
in real time like overture.com. Searchawy assembles these two types of
search engines. This means that Mewsoft Engine can be used to build a
directory or search engine with dynamic output which works as pay per click
engine, or build a directory or search engine with static html pages.
Which one to use Dynamic Live Output or Static HTML pages?
The answer is what you want to use the search engine for? and how
you want to generate revenue from your website or your search engine.
Dynamic Output:
If you plan to build your search engine to be pay per click or pay
per impressions then you have to use dynamic live output. In this mode the
software will positions websites depending on their bids and will sort
search results based on the search terms bids.
Static Output:
If you plan to build traditional directory or search engine or
static website with static html pages that updated only when you want, then
you run the engine in static mode. In static mode the html pages will update
only every time you run the build directory from the admin center or you can
automate it with crontab or similar programs on your system. |
Full accounting system |
Since the software was build to make revenue from
submissions and surfers, then it was necessary to include an advanced, user
and admin friendly account manager system. For the user the account manager
interface allows full control over his listings and bids and money. Users
can submits listings, new search terms, change bids, delete or update
current listings, update profiles, view or download summary or full detailed
statistics report for their clicks and account activity and more. For the
admin the accounting system allows full control over users accounts,
deposits, debits, review, disable, enable, update or remove. |
Keywords and Position Bidding |
Modeled after the very popular "Overture.com" system with
more power and features and flexibility. When the admin require that users
must open accounts before submitting lists to the search engine, they open
account and from inside this account manager they can add listings, search
terms related to their listings. From the account manager they can bid on
search terms and determine their placements in search results and also they
can bid on their category listings position. Listings with the highest bid
on the current search terms or category will be listed first and thereafter
in order of the bid amount. The charge method is determined by the admin,
either charge "Pay Per Click" where only the system will charge the bid
value when the link or listing is clicked by a surfer and this is the well
know system now for paid search engine, the second method of charging is
"Pay Per Impression" which will charge the users every time their listings
is displayed for the surfer and this system is not efficient since the user
listings could be displayed thousands of times per day with no clicks. The
pay per click system is the best for both the advertiser or listings owner
and the search engine owner. For the listings owner it is very cost
effective since he pays only for actual clicks to his website, for the
search engine owner it will encourage the users or websites owners to bid
high and always try to be in the top listings whatever the bid reaches since
they only pay for actual clicks and not impressions, this will make the
competition on the top positions always which led to high revenue
How this system works?
A webmaster or listings owners with a listing in your search engine will
open an account and make a deposits into it and you determine the minimum
deposit and minimum bid. Once a deposit has been made, the webmaster from
his account manager will place bids on certain search terms or categories
positions. These bids represent the amount of money the webmaster is willing
to pay you each time someone clicks on their listing. When a listing is
clicked on, his balance will be deducted the bid amount . Once the
webmaster's account reaches 0.00, all account bids will be disabled, and the
listing returns to its normal position in the search results until he make
another deposit and so on.
For example, assume you set your minimum deposit to $50.00. If 100
webmasters decide to open accounts, and make the initial deposit, you've
just made $5000.00. As the webmasters who've made deposits begin to see
themselves near the top of search results, and start getting more and more
traffic from you, they'll make another deposits and increase their bids
trying to be on the top of search results and category position and Word
gets out and another 100 more webmasters sign up and the real business
continues, think if you have thousands of real business websites who can
spent thousands of dollars per day to get traffic from you. |
Fully integrated banner server |
The search engine is integrated with full banner manager
software SQL database driven same as the engine itself to handle millions of
impressions per day for heavy traffic sites. The banner server allow to
create and manage unlimited accounts, campaigns and banner zones or groups
or locations on your templates. The banner also can be used directly on your
other sites and your static or dynamic pages either with direct call or with
SSI. All banner call are done from the same main banner program for all
zones so you do not need to copy scripts or configure anything. The banner
also has a cash buster to avoid browsers to cash banners images. The banner
server also has a full client report area so all your banner advertisers
will have a login to the stats area to check their campaigns stats in
different format either daily or hourly report for every individual
campaign. |
Database Management |
The software admin center has many tools to manage and
control everything in the system database. This includes tools also for
managing the SQL server itself. Among these database and SQL server tools
Backup or export the whole SQL database into deleimited
ascii text file.
Loading or importing the SQL database from ascii
deleimited text files.
Unloading and Loading SQL tables separately.
Viewing SQL server variables and current status.
Empty, delete, optimize, check SQL tables separately.
SQL Commander to run any SQL statements.
and more...
Multi - Lingual |
The software admin center has a language manager that
allows you to create unlimited number of languages and translate any
language online or on your local pc in just a minutes. The software by
default comes with the language English, any additional languages you need
just create it from the language manager and translate the text in minutes.
The software use all the languages available in real time which allows the
surfers and users to select which language they want and the software will
keep their preferences using cookies so they need to select the language
only the first time they visit the site. The language manager will create
new languages, delete languages, edit languages text or search languages for
certain text. |
Website Builder |
Mewsoft search engine is not limited only to building the
directory or search engine but also building most of the rest of the
websites tools. This includes, building About Us page, Contact Us form,
Announcements system with full admin control, Copyright page, Privacy Page,
Terms of use page, Search help page, Full help system indexed book style
which allows adding any number of help pages easily from the language
manager well organized help system. |
Submissions control |
The software has admin options to automate all the
submissions to go directly to the database or to manually review, edit and
approve all new submissions, request changes. Submissions includes websites
listings, new search terms, request to change current listings. If you are
not concerned about the directory contents then you can set it to
automatically accept all new submissions and it will go directly to the
database and live for searching and browsing. If you are concerned about the
quality of your directory or search engine then you must review, edit and
approve all new submissions which includes new listings and search terms. |
HTML Template based |
One of the most powerful features of this software is its
using for pure html templates for every single byte generated by the
software. This means there is no limit on the customizations the same as you
edit normal html pages. In addition to listing templates, you can define
templates for category listings, and featured sites. Not only templates for
the pages generated by the software but also for every form, hyperlinks, cgi
generated output, listings, navigations, and everything the program prints
to the output is customizable. You can define an unlimited number of listing
templates and assign a different template for each listing in the search
engine to use. |
Custom functions |
The software has built in script editor in the admin
center which allow you to write your own Perl and JS functions and inert the
output to the templates with the rest of the program output. Custom
functions can use the current program templates as well as you can define
new templates to be used. This means you can build new functions with its
own templates. |
External programs integration |
Not only you can build your own custom Perl functions but
also you can directly integrate your current scripts and programs with the
software and insert the programs output in the templates directly. There are
many built in classes to run SSI functions from inside the templates. |
Unlimited mailing lists |
SQL based mailing lists unlimited in its capacity for
each list. The admin center "Mail manager" has full utilities to manage
unlimited number of mailing lists and mass email:
Easy setup wizard |
The software is very easy to install and configure even
for just beginners. No need to be programmer or professional to run or
manage the software on your server, all you need is the general internet
stuff, like how to use any ftp program to transfer files, how to change
files permissions, very little html to customize the templates or links to
your look and feel. Just transfer the files to your server, change
permissions and you are done with the installation. The software has built
in setup and configuration wizard that will check and create directories,
permissions, SQL tables and more. |
Very customizable |
The first thing you must search in any software is how
far is it customizable. Whatever its function if it is not 100% customizable
then it looses at least 80% of its value. This software is very
customizable. There is not single byte that is not customizable. Lets
explain this shortly.
The software uses html templates for the body of the pages that generated.
Inside these html templates are the output of the cgi programs and the text
Now the software is multi-lingual, which means the same text should be in
different languages and this is done by inserting language variables inside
the templates between "[[" and "]]", for example a field form that has text
label "Please enter your first name" this has assigned a variable name for
example first_name, to insert this label in the template just insert
it like this [[first_name]]. When the surfer selects specific
language this variable will be translated from the language selected. This
shows that you can move this language variable anywhere inside your
template. The value of the language variables itself you change it from the
language file, so you edit it to anything you want.
Second, the cgi programs output is inserted inside these html templates in
two methods. The first method is by using Plugins between comments like this
, this will draw an input text box for the surfer to
enter the website title. of course you move this Plugin anywhere inside your
The second method is using what we called it Classes in the form
, this will draw a search box and its
width is 40 characters, the search box form itself is customized and has its
own template, you can change the box with by changing the number 40 to
anything. So basically everything the program prints out is customizable and
you have full control over the look and feel. You can use any WYSWYG html
editor like Frontpage 2000 or else to edit the templates. The admin center
has built in html template editor online and Visual html editor integrated.
All the program text is inside the language files which are plain text files
that you can edit directly using any text editor like notepad or using the
software admin center in the language manager.
To see how easy you can edit or translate the text to any other language,
please go to our admin demo, click on Language Manager, ten under "Edit
Language", select any file and click Edit.
Basically you do not need any programming experience to customize the look
and feel of the software to anything you want, all you need is some
experience with html or using any visual html editor. |
Real time Credit card and payment processing |
Full integration for real time processing credit cards
and other payment methods online and depositing the money directly to your
merchant account and crediting the users accounts with interface to major
online credit card providers and real time payment processors, currently the
software directly support these providers:
Authorize Net, Quick Commerce, Planet Payment, RTWare, Merchant Commerce,
iBill, Plug 'n Pay, Beanstream, LinkPoint, Bank of America, Cardstream,
iTransact, VeriSign Payflow Pro, eProcessingNetwork, eWay, Cambist,
GoRealTime, Paypal DoDirectPayment (Website Payment Pro), InternetSecure
www.internetsecure.com , CyberSource
OpenECHO www.echo-inc.com,
www.PriMerchants.com, Capstone
Protx www.Protx.com,
Exact www.e-xact.com,
www.TrustCommerce.com, eSelectPlus
www.SecureHosting.com, StGeorge
StormPay www.StormPay.com,
Skipjack www.Skipjack.com,
www.TransFirst.com, Litle & Co
Alertpay.com (Paypal
better Alternative) IPN fully automated,
Also if you do not have a merchant account you still can use all other
methods for accepting payments like mail payments by Paypal, Check,
Money order, or using third parties like Western Union or else,
Once you receive the payments in any way you make the deposit manually to
the user account from the admin center accounts manager and it will show
directly in the user account manager in his balance. |
Paypal full automatic integration |
The software is fully integrated with built in functions
for accepting online payment by credit cards and electronic checks (e-check)
through the online payment processor Paypal different methods. For more
information or to get your free account with Paypal and start immediately
accepting payment online in real time, please check Paypal website at
The software support Paypal reciving payments by email
and automatically processing them, Using Paypal IPN (Instant payment
notification) to automatically process the payment with paypal system
without depending on the emails, and the third method is using Paypal
Website Payment Pro which uses paypal DoDirectPayment API integration |
Spider Sites |
The engine has a built in utility to let the
administrator to add sites automatically to the system database with this
spider sites. All you do is just enter the websites address and the spider
will visit these sites and grab all the required information then submit it
to the pending sipdered submissions for manual approve later. |