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Absolute Beginner Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-14-11 06:34 PM next post first post
If someone can get me started with one answer to my simple question, I can probably move forward from that point on my own.\ \ I am attempting to begin customizing the home page. In the left column, there is a small search box that reads:\ \ Select your region...followed by a drop-down menu\ then, Ads Type...followed by a drop-down menu\ \ How can I change "Select your region" to "Select Cities/Towns"
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Absolute Beginner Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-14-11 08:05 PM next post previous post

Yes as you said, it is very simple and very easy todo.

Any text you see in the program you can edit it as you like from your admin.cgi center, click on Language Manager, then under Edit language, select the files then click on edit. Also you can search for any text you do know in what file and you can replace any text in all files.

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fisherman fisherman's personal page
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Re: Absolute Beginner Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-14-11 08:56 PM next post previous post

You are on it!  Thanks and that was easy to do.


fisherman fisherman's personal page
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Home Page Customization Finished Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 06-15-11 12:10 PM last post previous post
Mewsoft...about 10 hours ago, you gave me the first hint on how to start editing text. I couldn't stop there. I went ahead and completed my Home Page with logo added, colors changed, and the text just the way I want it.\ \ Thanks again,\ Eric\ www.465.com
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