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Added FrontPage extensions to my site...can't access Classifieds now Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-18-11 11:10 AM next post first post
Before adding the FrontPage extensions, I contacted OnSmart and they advised that adding the extensions would not affect any programs in mn cgi-bin, where the Classifieds program is located. However, now I cannot pull up the home page of my Classifieds. I get the following error message:\ \ SQL Error: Access denied for user: 'peter465_cxxxxx@localhost' (Using password: YES)\ Query: \ DBI:mysql:database=peter465_cxxxxx;host=localhost;port=3306.\ \ Now I have another database located on the server and I did change the password in that database. I would hope that had nothing to do with accessing the home page of my Classifieds.\ \ Could the FrontPage extensions be messing up the access to my Classifieds home page?\ \ Thanks,\ Eric Hartig
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Added FrontPage extensions to my site...can't access Classifieds now Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-18-11 11:25 AM next post previous post
They are correct, Frontpage ext. has no effect on any program or script on your site. For sure you may changed your database password or your configuration.

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fisherman fisherman's personal page
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Changing the password in my Classifieds configuration Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-18-11 11:48 AM next post previous post
Well, I guess I could try to change the password in my Classifieds Configuration area to match the password I applied to my other database.\ \ You sent me a message earlier that read as follows:\ \ the password always in cpanel I creat as the xxxxxxx so remove your userid_ from the database name\ in your admin and the reset will be the password.\ Yes you can change the user and password in cpanel but also you need to change it\ in your admin.cgi or you will not be able to connectto it\ \ Are you suggesting that I delete my username (user) in the Classifieds database on the cPanel, then add a new user with either the same username or different, add a new password and then update that information in my adim.cgi file? And if you are suggesting this, will that new password be the same password for my other database?\ \ Also, I opened my admin.cgi file and could not locate where to place the new information.
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Added FrontPage extensions to my site...can't access Classifieds now Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 06-18-11 02:11 PM last post previous post

You should not play with these information unless you have agood experiance, it will be hardto guide you through all thsi but here is the short:

create a db user in cpanel

add this user to the db

go to admin.cgi -> configuration

enter the db user and password

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