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admin address Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 04-15-19 07:20 AM next post first post
why does my admin address revert to Mewsoft Classifiedawy- Free Forum Software and Bulletin Board Software Open Source Code - www.mewsoft.com when i login to my admin page ? shouldn't it be my address, and not mewsoft's ?
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: admin address Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-15-19 07:56 AM next post previous post

Please be more specific in your question. What exactly goes to our site, what link when you click goes to our site.

No links back to our site in any products, any deafults you change to your site links. Post a screen shot of what you are saying.


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Re: admin address Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 04-15-19 10:51 AM next post previous post
the page goes to my admin page, but the address bar gives your address as the page it is on. i don't understand. why doesn't the address bar say boatadsfree.com/classified/admin ? this is what i get when i bookmark my admin page. Mewsoft Classifiedawy- Free Forum Software and Bulletin Board Software Open Source Code - www.mewsoft.com when i go to my bookmarks to go to my admin page, it doesn't say boatadsfree.com/classified/admin, it says Mewsoft Classifiedawy- Free Forum Software and Bulletin Board Software Open Source Code - www.mewsoft.com why ? thanks bob
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Re: admin address Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 04-15-19 04:54 PM last post previous post

If you mean the Admin center default Meta Title that you bookmark shows as Mewsoft Classifiedawy/Forums , this is normal like you see "Internet Explorer" in your browser

title bar, but when you click the bookmark it goes to your site.

Mewsoft Support

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