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been away a while.... Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 03-18-20 09:40 AM next post first post
hello and good day. i have finally passed my health issues and am trying to get use from the software. i notice alot of changes that have happened and want in on that. but i keep getting mailer notices that the emails arent being sent. how do i get in contact with someone to find out cost of update and install?
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: been away a while.... Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 03-27-20 04:15 AM last post previous post
Hello, It may be your emails or domain is listed on the SPAM lists or blocked by junk mail filters. Anyway, try to email from different emails account use one at hotmail or google to send to support or sales @mewsoft.com. Anyway, Prices also listed on our Order page: http://www.mewsoft.com/Order/Order.html Thanks

Mewsoft Support

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