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Business name on paypal page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 07-18-15 02:05 AM next post first post

Very simple question:
I’ve got (Paypal DoDirectPayment) set up correctly on Paypal website and my Admin as well….

When make a payment and click on submit, the customer transfer to Paypal page,… instead of showing our web site Business name on the top Banner/Header, it’s showing the e-mail address like paypal@mydomain.com …

also just underneath it “the Description part”, the deposit should goes to “the Business account name” but it say’s to NetAuction Account Deposit !

Because of lots of work around, I probably missed doing this tip!
Could you tell me please weather that my Admin side or Paypal web site side and how to fix it…

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Re: Business name on paypal page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-18-15 09:59 AM last post previous post
Any text you change in the Language Manager, use the search tool there to search for that text, however you will find it in the Money Manager file and/or accounts file.

Mewsoft Support

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