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ecisme ecisme's personal page
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Cannot Upload Pictures Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 07-12-17 06:03 AM next post first post

Hello, can someone please help me, I cannot upload images in the Post Ad/Modify Ad menu
of the classified ads. I can create and post ads, I just can't upload images for the ad.

I have the latest GD Library insalled on my server and I have also tried re-uploading the PostAdLib.pm file
to no avail. When I try to upload images in the Post Ad/Modify Ad menu, I receive the following error message;

Error: Can 't write media file /upload/earrings.gif: No such file or directory Line 46,
File /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classified//PostAdLib.pm

Please help, thanks! ecisme

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Re: Cannot Upload Pictures Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-13-17 03:30 AM next post previous post

Hello ecisme,

From your error message, it seems you have the wrong html directory path in admin->Configuration.

Click the link Tip in the Configuration and it will shows your paths.

Your error message:

Error: Can 't write media file /upload/earrings.gif: No such file or directory Line 46,
File /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classified//PostAdLib.pm

as you see it is set to /upload while from the script path is should be full path:



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ecisme ecisme's personal page
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Still Cannot Upload Pictures Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 07-16-17 07:51 AM next post previous post

I understand what you are saying, but this did not help at all, I still cannot upload pictures or images.

From the Admin Configuration menu, the html directory path and the installation path both read as follows:

Installation Directory Path: /home/XXX/public_html/classified

Installation Directory URL: http://www.mysite.com/classified/

When trying to upload images I still receive the following error message:

Error: Can 't write media file /upload/image__icon.png: No such file or directory Line 46,

File /home/xxx/public_html/classified//PostAdLib.pm

Please note the two forward slashes highlighted in the directory path above, there are two forward slashes in front of PostAdLib.pm

Still need help,


mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Cannot Upload Pictures Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 07-16-17 12:01 PM last post previous post

forget the double slashes, this has no effect and, the issue is either your paths configurations and permissions, or the GD module is

not correctly installed, so bad hosting companies just forces the GD Perl module to be installed without the GD Lib for the system.

we have this test script to make sure your GD is working:

GD perl module installation and test script Open in new window


download and install it, if all tests worked, then your paths or folders permissions, or even the scripts may be corrupted for any reason, you can download

the latest zip file and upgrade only the cgi files.


Mewsoft Support

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