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Custom Work Ordered For Image Resize On The Fly Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 02-04-13 07:39 AM next post first post

Our valued customer Nizam Karim just placed an order for custom work for adding the feature to resize images on the fly at the upload time to avoid users screen overflow. The admin will have a new options to set the Maximum width and height of the images which above these limits the system will smart resize the image with same aspect ratio to the limits set.

This custom work will be added for free and will be availabe for everyone else.

An update will be released when ready.

Thank you for your support for Mewsoft.

Mewsoft Support

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Re: Custom Work Ordered For Image Resize On The Fly Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 02-12-13 10:26 PM last post previous post

Job done and we released an updated version for Auctionawy and Classifiedawy with this new feature.

Thank you for your support

Mewsoft Support

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