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Deleting State_Form & Country_Form Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-15-11 01:47 PM next post first post
I am setting up my New Account Sign Up page and I would like to delete the variable names State_Form & Country_Form. My classifieds are intended for Indianapolis area residents only, so there is no reason for them to type in State information. In addition, there is no reason to keep the Country drop-down menu as well.\ \ Would there be any negative results from deleting these variables? I am especially concerned about deleting the Country_Form because I changed the drop-down menu on the home page where visitors select Cities/Towns. Are these two drop-down menus tied together in the code?\ \ If it is safe to delete them, do I just put a checkmark in Box #9 and Box#20 and save the changes?
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Re: Deleting State_Form & Country_Form Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-16-11 03:48 AM last post previous post

All you have to do is deselect these field in your admin center in the accounts manager-> accounts options:


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